What You Didn’t Know about Madagascar

When we hear the word Madagascar, many of us think of the comedy animated film about zoo animals and their adventures in Africa. What many of us don’t know is that Madagascar ranks #15 among countries with the highest percentage of poorest females aged 7-16 who have never been to school. Never. 46 percent of the poorest girls in Madagascar have never gone to school. The country also ranks #14 among countries for the lowest average years of education for the poorest 17-22 year old females. In Madagascar, the average is just 1.8 years of school.

10 facts on the status of girls education in developing countries today

  1. Education of women in developing countries directly contributes to the growth of national income by improving the productive capacities of the labor force.

    A recent study of 19 developing countries found that national long-term economic growth increases by 3.7 percent for every year adult population of average level schooling rises.

  2. As female education rises, fertility, population growth, and infant and child mortality fall, while family health improves.

How big is the girls' education issue in developing countries?

Female education across the world has a long way to go.

Recently, the Millennium Development Goals set a target of attaining universal primary education by 2015.

It will be a while before that happens.

In 2012, UNICEF reports, there were “61 million children of primary school who were not in school[,] and over half were girls.” While there has been some progress in regards to increasing female school enrollment, particularly at the primary level, women are still desperately at a disadvantage.

How Advertising is helping to Empower Girls

Advertising has, for a long time, been known as being part of an oppressive culture that helps distort the image women have on themselves. Being by portraying photoshopped images that show perfect – and unrealistic - models, or by referring to women as being solely responsible for housekeeping, thus the sole target of household cleaning commercials, advertising has been accused of perpetuating, or even worse, creating a limited, biased and frustrating unattainable image of women.

What You Should Know about Girls' Education in Developing Countries

Education is key.

The ripple effects of education, particular girls in developing countries, cannot be comprehended. It can in no way be quantified. We CAN see, however, how an upward trend in girls’ education positively affects the larger community, future generations, and the future of women and children’s health. 

Why 29 Percent of Girls in India Stop Going to School

Significant changes have occurred in India over the past several years regarding the life of young girls.  In 2009, the World Bank upgraded India’s status from a poor country to a middle income country, citing significant economic improvements.  In that same year, the ‘Rights to an Education’ Act passed and granted all children from the age of 6 to 14 a free education.  Many advancements have been made in the economy and education, so why are India’s girls still continuing to struggle?

The Confidence Gap: Why are Girls more likely to be less Confident than Boys?

Belief in one’s self.  These four words are the root of what it means to be confident.  And it appears that sometime around adolescence these words begin gradually slipping from females grasp.  Their self-esteem beings to plummet, they underestimate their abilities and are discouraged by fear.  Girls lose confidence in the face of perfectionism.  They become so concerned with being right that they begin to doubt themselves.  But why is this so common in girls and not so much boys?

A day in the life: Kyra and Kate (Rural India and US)

What do we take for granted? Or, more powerfully, what do we not know about what we have and do not have?

Now, we know that every girl, and in a larger sense, every person, faces challenges…this means growth! But not all are afforded the same opportunities as others.
