Jasmine: #StopAsianHate Blog

Growing up, I always felt like there was a negative connotation to being Asian in America. People would wrinkle their nose at my food, stretch their eyes out to tease me, or bombard me with stereotypes. Although I felt self-conscious at the time, looking back, I do not think they had hurtful intent. As I grew older, I started to appreciate my culture and embrace my identity more. I felt safe within the tight-knit Asian community.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges. The unprovoked attacks, especially on the elderly, is shocking and saddening. In the past, I have not seen many Asian-Americans involved in the government, social justice protests, or politics in general. On the other hand, in light of recent events, I have seen more Asian-Americans attend protests, spread awareness, and stand up for what they believe in.

A few months ago, my parents were walking by the local library and a man yelled at them for “bringing the virus to America”. Even though my parents were upset, they did not defend themselves, in fear of being physically attacked.

The rise in Asian-American hate crimes could stem from misinformation since the line of logic does not make sense. Also, it is possible that many of these hate crimes can go unreported. Not only that, but crimes that are reported might not be charged as hate crimes, specifically.

There is not one encompassing solution for stopping Asian hate, but organizations like AAPI hate are imperative. Many social media users have also spread awareness regarding current events. Getting involved, starting on a small scale, is a good start.